The common faults, causes, and solutions of
Weifang generator control box are as follows:
1. The control cabinet cannot be started:
Reason for malfunction: internal power supply failure in the control cabinet, control circuit failure, wiring failure between the control cabinet and the engine, etc.
Solution: Check if the power connection inside the control cabinet is correct, check if the control circuit is loose or short circuited, and check if the wiring between the control cabinet and the engine is normal.
2. The control cabinet cannot stop:
Reason for malfunction: Internal power supply failure in the control cabinet, shutdown button failure, control circuit failure, etc.
Solution: Check if the power connection inside the control cabinet is normal, check if the stop button is damaged or loose, and check if the control circuit is loose or short circuited.
3. Unstable voltage:
Reason for malfunction: Control cabinet input voltage fluctuation, control cabinet output voltage regulator malfunction, etc.
Solution: Check if the input voltage of the control cabinet is stable and if the output voltage regulator is faulty.
4. Display fault:
Reason for malfunction: Control cabinet display malfunction, internal power supply malfunction of control cabinet, etc.
Solution: Check if the control cabinet display is damaged and if the internal power supply is functioning properly.
5. Protection function failure:
Reason for malfunction: Control cabinet sensor malfunction, control cabinet relay malfunction, incorrect setting of control cabinet protection function, etc.
Solution: Check if the sensors and relays are damaged, and verify if the protection function is set correctly.
6. Make abnormal sounds:
Reason for malfunction: internal component failure of control cabinet, fan failure of control cabinet, etc.
Solution: Check if the internal components of the control cabinet are loose or burnt, and if the fan is damaged or loose.